Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Design I like

Design I like

I chose the country of Dubai for their bold, ingenious and innovative designs. Sure they are broke now but that is not what this article is about.

I know it is not a book or billboard or DVD cover but WHO CARES!!

Just look at this place imaging building land mass in the middle of the ocean.

Something as magnificent as this should not go unmentioned. For years I have been amazed by this and I kept saying to myself that either a hurricaine or typhoon will knock them out. But alas.. It was the economy that got the best shot.

Their design and artistic ability simply screams at the onlookers "We are better than you!" I'll actually pick another design I like in my next blog.





Hey!!! I'm Blogging!!


My Stamp. Social USA

My time in Media 150

This is my blog 4.
My semester in media 150 has been very eye opening. Only because I learned information that I can use in the completion of my job requirements.

Not only do I look at movies differently. I have gained ideas on how to create my own content.
The class was a little basic for me. A LOT of the material that was covered in this course was done in film 100 and media 180. YES I took both classes.

I VERY muched loved the lighting class and the classes that taught me about aperture and F-Stop settings. These classes had a direct impact on what I do in my profesional life.

I did two video shoots last week and I found myself fiddling with the barn doors on my fill light to change the way the actor was portrayed.

When I was doing the editing of the videos I produced I was also very critical of the end product. In one of the films I had a huge shadow that was very distracting and I had wished The position of the fill light was done differently.

I can honestly say my experience for this class was generally positive. I enjoyed working and meeting all of you and hope to maybe work you guys again in later classes.

So for now I will be a film and media major, because I am having tons of fun. They say if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life.